Friday, July 24, 2009

Why are there Clockwork Atomics?

In 2006 there was the second NYC blackout that I experienced. This time only effecting Queens, but it lasted a week. So to charge cellphones and MP3s, my wife and I would go a different area of the city with powerstrip in hand. During one of these ventures, I made a particularly elaborate doodle on a napkin at a coffee house while we waited. Showing my wife I joked that this should be what I produce for art. It was perfect....the materials were free and my studio could become every bar and coffee shop in NYC. The more I thought about it the more I liked it. Why can't art be on napkins? Little snapshots of what I was thinking about as I killed time across the city.(There are way worse and more stupid me I work in the art world.)

The drawings began as geometric designs and mathematical problems inspired by alchemy and my misadventures into the engineering world , but around 100 designs in they began to look more like machines. Always loving Orreys and other clockwork devices, I explored this vein more fully. Each drawing includes detailed notes on the operation and description of the object in question. The designs continue to evolve and change but currently can be divided into 3 veins: mathematical calculations, spacial geometry and clockwork atomics.

Currently, I continue to draw in bars and coffee shops across the city between appointments and after work.

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