Saturday, October 30, 2010

H.G. Wells' Martian Tripod v 0.9 at Juan Valdez Coffee: Clockwork Atomics x401

First off, yes there is a Juan Valdez Coffee shop (I know who knew). Anyway I have always loved H.G. Wells' stories, in fact they are some of the first books I ever read. And War of the Worlds was definitely a favorite. I loved the idea of the Martian's Tripods that reined destruction upon mankind. The elegant hovering ships from the 1953 version were great but I much prefer the mechanical beasts that were in the illustrated in the book I had as a child.

I have drawn a variety of versions of the tripods and give this one a v 0.9 notation as it is an unmanned version. A continuation of my fascination with destructive clockwork automatons.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Galileo's Astronomic Gyroscope at Dunkin' Donuts:Clockwork Atomics x381

First off I really like Dunkin' Donuts. Decent espresso and a good selection of donuts. But very few have my favorite one. Does no one else like maple frosting? Anyway...

I have always loved gyroscopes although I never fully comprehended the physics behind them. In my studies in the sciences I always understood just enough to appreciate something but enough was still out of reach to make my knowledge of it slightly flawed and potentially dangerous. I like to think that has certain long as you are standing at a safe distance.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Geared Caulder Mobile at Cipriani's Grand Central Bar: Clockwork Atomics x305

One reason of the reasons I love drawing on napkins is that for me it captures a moment in time. This was drawn at the end of an exhausting day. I had been in Greenwich all morning attempting to install a Caulder mobile. I say attempting because it had been flat packed (dismantled) and no one knew what it was supposed to look like pictures, nothing. Many hours later it was installed in what I felt was the most balanced and logical of configurations. Needless to say I felt I deserved a drink or two. So after getting off Metro North and before the subway, I stopped at Cipriani's on the west side of Grand Central ordered a drink and drew this.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dual Death Ray at the Carlyle's Bemelmans Bar: Clockwork Atomics x360

Not that being at Bemelmans turns my mind to sinister things (or at least no more than anything else), but the low lighting, excellent drinks and mummers from other tables sets my mind in motion. It really is a great place. While, as usual, I have Manhattans there, I do occasionally have one of the signature drinks. All and all a great place to meet, drink, write, draw and plan for the conquest of the know world.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jules Verne Automaton Airship at the 21 Club: Clockwork Atomics X420

It began as a sketch of a dirigible and after a few cocktails (Manhattans to be precise) it became, as I like to say "complicated". While it may not be the best drawing, the experience drawing it was excellent. Early evening and seated in large chairs in the lounge of area of the 21 Club in NYC drinking a fantastic Manhattan, possibly the best in the city, and letting ones mind drift to imaged times when airships and steampunk technology ruled the day. (I really can not express how good the service and the atmosphere of the 21 Club is....but it is quite fantastic.)